I got the idea to write How to Snapchat Like a Boss for Bloggers in the shower! I was thinking about how snapchat games story will fundamentally alter the social media landscape. Snapchat initially appeared to be nothing more than a sillier version of Vine. Snapchat will succeed where Vine never really did.
Although I don't consider myself to be an expert on Snapchat, I decided to write about what I've learned so far after discussing it with other bloggers and observing the community's general confusion regarding the platform. Please be kind and let me know if I've missed something in this, my very first blog advice post. I will take into consideration any helpful criticism and make any necessary adjustments. Here, for the benefit of bloggers, is how to Snapchat like a boss!
Content rules. This adage applies to everyone, regardless of their identity, on all social media platforms. If all the Kardashians ever posted were blurry photos, they wouldn't have a large following. Therefore, to obtain a sharper image, ensure that your hand is steady when you shoot, even though the photo or video you just took will only last for 24 hours.
We bloggers also struggle with deciding what to share. Are our most recent blog posts promoted? Do we talk about our personal experiences? Do we talk about what happens behind the scenes? Keep in mind that a portion of your Snapchat followers might never even read your blog, so when you make your stories, always keep them in mind. Your story views will soar if you make your content understandable and accessible to everyone!
Snapchat is made more fun with filters! When you tell a story, make use of them to your advantage. To get to Snapchat channels press a finger all over and hold while in selfie mode. A line of filters will appear at the bottom of your face matrix after it has been scanned. Keep an eye on them every day as they change!
Drawing Tool and Emoji:
If you're an adult looking to buy a house, you probably think emojis are dumb. Well, Snapchat's audience is made up of people half your age who find emojis to be fun, a way to communicate, and sometimes even a whole phrase can be replaced by them. A key emoji, for instance, substitutes for the word "key."
Additionally, the poop emoji can substitute for some offensive words. Emojis can be resized in Snapchat to any size you choose. Give your imagination free rein! You can act like an emoji by donning an emoji hat, hiding from the emoji rain under an emoji umbrella, or even sporting a kitty cat head—the options are endless!
The drawing tool can also be used to draw anything over videos or pictures. It's a really fun way to make your photos look better!
How can I use emojis?
After you take a picture or a video, you can use emoji that can be resized; The menu can be found to the left of the letter T in the top right corner (the letter T stands for text, so you should also use it).
How do I use the drawing instrument?
After you have taken a picture or a video, you can use the drawing tool; The menu is located to the right of the letter T in the top right corner.
personal snaps are a type of direct messaging. Create a snap and select the recipient's name from the friends list to send them a direct message. If they have enabled the setting to receive snaps from everyone, you can also send a snap to someone you don't follow. Sending direct snaps to followers was feared by some of my fellow bloggers as spam. They are unaware that this was Snapchat's primary objective and entire point. Personal snaps were for a while the only means of communication before the public story option was made available.
The only way to improve your Snapchat score is to send and receive personal snaps. A high Snapchat score is essential for bloggers: It indicates that you are responding to the "comments" left by your "viewers." Therefore, in terms of blogs, it indicates high engagement. However, your story views, also known as unique pageviews or UPVs, are just as crucial.
Where can I find my Snapchat score?
Swipe down from the top of the Snapchat app. Your snap code will contain your score.
What are my story views like?
By opening Snapchat and swiping to the left, you can view your SVs. The breakdown for each snap will appear when you click on the three vertical dots that are located on the line that reads "My Story" at the top. By clicking on an individual snap in that menu and swiping up, you can even see exactly who saw your story. To view detailed public information about a person, click on their name.
On Snapchat, just like in blogging, you can let your audience know that you want to hear from them by asking questions or offering advice. For maximum engagement, ask questions every day, and don't forget to answer! Add a thank you video to your public story to show that you at least read and saw all of the photos if your following is so large that responding to all of them is impossible. A few tokens of appreciation can go a long way in building a devoted following.
Regularly post. Stories with recent snaps are more likely to be viewed than stories with older snaps, as they are at the top of the list. When I open the Snapchat app, I only watch the accounts that are at the top of my list. I follow over a hundred different Snapchat accounts. If you follow more than two to three dozen people—unless, of course, they don't post frequently—it is simply impossible to watch every snap from every person on your list without skipping a few.
However, here are some suggestions for attracting attention:
If you're going to tell a story, do it all at once. A rant, a review, an event you're attending—anything that makes sense only if you see the whole picture—should be told all at once.
Spread out your fun and random selfies on social media. Because of this, your account will continue to rise to the top of the feeds of your followers, increasing the likelihood that your other photos will be seen and thus your SVs.
Snapchat makes it hard to gain new followers because they can only add you using your snap code or by knowing your username. Promote yourself by making use of your blog and existing social media accounts. Make use of the space in the sidebar and place your snap code there so that current blog readers can easily locate you. To make your social media promoting more personal, include your snapcode, username, and a brief blurb.